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Representin' Houston
This is dontaskgen's BEEN iLL SESSION
Tap In with dontaskgen: Instagram | Twitter | Streaming
If someone is just getting to know you, what track should they start with first and why? What does that particular song mean to you?
I would say that they should start with DONTASKFORLOVE because it was me not having limits on who I am as a man and an artist, what I can and can't say, and me at my most vulnerable state. Those are the sounds that would define me in the future.
You seem to incorporate mystery into your brand. Is this true? If so, what is your intention behind that concept?
I remember, back in the day, one of my favorite designers described himself as the kid in the corner (Ryan Knew) and it resonated with me. That’s me. That’s why my name is dontaskgen. That’s why I wear black so much. It’s just being present, but not being seen. The concept of fame didn’t sit well with me: it’s like selling a piece of your privacy, family, love life, etc. for money and for someone to say that they love you. So, there's no intention. It’s just that I want it to be about the music and less about the face behind it.
What is the main message that you want to share with the world? How do you think music shapes the world?
I see that you're involved with music and fashion. Are there any other avenues that you're exploring?
Yes: Creative Direction, directing, and photography. However, I want to get into 3D modulation, interior design, and architecture.
What do you think fashion is? Do you think that ties into the style of your music by any chance?
I don't know bro. I just put on shit that I like and things that make me comfortable and if people like it, I sell it to them. But, know that I just dress the way I expect to feel, or I expect things to feel like...when I get wherever I’m going.
I listened to your single City of Hades featuring Blvkrose Remix. I got electronic vibes. What is your favorite genre of music? Do you like to experiment with different genres?
I'm a R&B baby, but I’m into everything. Alternative music has been a new feel for me. And yes, I always wanna just make something: different types of music. Something that originally makes me uncomfortable. Plus, I think I’m more of a writer than I am anything else. So, I really just be pushing my pen. But yes, if you listen to City of Hades, and the remix you can tell it was meant for an electric feel. The homie THATGODWORK AND NOTFUCKINGBROCK went crazy on that.
Is there anyone that has heavily inspired you or who you look to as a role model?
No, role models turn into idols too easily. I do on the other hand think that a lot of people are talented and I love what they do like byseanbrown, exquisite_eye, theallygreen, bluenittv, Travis Scott (business), James Blake’s music, Reginald Helms, authenticity, and the homie WOLF DES MCHLS.
Do you have any new music coming out soon and what can we expect from you?
Listen to dontaskgen's latest here.
Interviewed by: Margaritë Camaj